You may know that astrology has the various zodiac signs you have, but it's not all. Astrology is the study of human life events by the movement and position of celestial objects. In history, astrology was common in academics and was considered a scholarly subject. Indeed astrology has an enormous branch of an astronomical system and various subsets of technical.
What do you need to know about astrology?
If you want to learn about its various types, remember, that Astrology is more than just knowing your horror scope. It is primarily an ancient art of studying celestial and its impacts of it on our life. The most basic thing in astrology is creating birth charts by the sun's position on the day of your birth. Generally, the constellation formed behind the sun on your birth date is studied and forms your most essential and common identity.
Natal Astrology
It is probably the most common among us based on the natal chart. A Natal chart is nothing but the blueprint of your life. That is calculated through the position of celestial bodies. That is a tool to upraise self-awareness and dive into your soul.
Horary Astrology
This type of astrology specifically deals with finding the answer to specific questions given by any person. The best astrologer finds the answer by studying the chart that the astrologer creates at the exact moment and location based on the asked question. Indeed being a specialized field of astrology, it is practiced by a few astrologers.

Medical Astrology
From ancient times, various body parts are ruled by specific different types of zodiac signs and planets. So this astrology generally studies the medical properties of the disease by associating those body parts with their ruling signs. If you look at the birth chart of a given person, you can find the medical issues that might present them.
Relationship Astrology
This astrology is also might be defined as a branch of natal astrology. Specifically deals with the compatibility between two persons. Generally, in this astrology, the astrologer compares the two-person birth charts and checks the status of their relationships. In this astrology, the astrologer checks the challenges one might face as a couple or the strength and support in their relationship.

Mundane Astrology
Undoubtedly, most of you might have heard about this particular astrology type. Out of all the other types, you'd find this particular one the most interesting. It's the talk of the town these days as it plays a vital role in predicting various world events and affairs. Many aren't aware that this type was popular years ago as people were more interested in knowing the astrology of nations rather than having individual charts.
End Words
You'll get maximum information and deep knowledge regarding different types of astronomy and more in this article. Indeed, astrology is a fully different part, but that's your choice whether you are interested in that particular part. Truly, it's a unique experience, and if someone knows the right way to make use of it, then they can enjoy its benefits to the fullest.